IDP launch new program that supports family carers

IDP is delighted to launch their brand new initiative, which aims to support unpaid carers through personal development and mentoring, is set to be rolled out in Inishowen next year. 

The Care4Carers ‘Exploring me’ programme is tailor-made by Inishowen Development Partnership (IDP) and funded by the Department of Social Protection through the Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2024. 

Sixty family carers are set to benefit from Care4Carers, which offers opportunities for those involved in informal unpaid caring to connect and reconnect into their local community and to feel valued.

Sinead McDaid IDP Team Lead said they have had a great response to our new Care4Carers ‘Exploring me’ programme. But there is still have availability if there are any family carers out there who are interested in signing up.

“Exploring me will give you some much needed time out to reconnect with yourself and explore new opportunities,” said Sinead.

“When caring for others, it can be easy to forget about yourself, but our new programme has been specifically designed to support and empower family carers just like you!”

The 8-week self-discovery programme will support participants to develop strategies, skills and support systems so that they can consider opportunities for themselves – This Next Chapter is for You!!

It is free to attend (Eligibility applies). For more information or to sign up now: contact Mary at or call IDP on 074 93 62218