DCB/MICA facilitators Michelle Coyle & Georgina Gallagher work with IDP’s local interagency IFAN DCB/MICA subgroup to ensure that they are reaching families who need this support most.
Michelle & Georgina also link with local agencies, community groups, support services and key organisations including the Mica Action Group.It is clear that the community support on the ground continues to be vital for households, and the outreach clinics will further enhance this work.

Outreach clinics are held in both Carndonagh and Buncrana IDP offices on Mondays and Wednesdays each week, by appointment only.
These weekly clinics will be offering practical support in the various steps and stages of the process. From scanning and uploading documents, to offering information where homeowners can learn about other supports available to them in their community, as well as tips and signposting on the various aspects involved in the whole process.
To book an appointment at one of the clinics please contact Michelle (Carndonagh) or Georgina (Buncrana) through IDP on 074 9362218 or for more information email michelle@inishowen.ie or Georgina@inishowen.ie
**The DCB posts are supported by the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage, through Donegal County Council.
For further information see: https://www.donegalcoco.ie/en/services/housing/defective-concrete-blocks
Also available to download are the following documents:
(click link and document will open in new window)
Meanwhile for further information on grants and assistance available for DCB homeowners from the SEAI see:
IDP’s DCB Facilitators have created a step by step guide on the process involved in the applying for the Enhanced Scheme
This is downloaded here:
Process of Application for Enhanced Scheme