LEADER is a community led approach to rural development funded through Irelands CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027. It is financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).Inishowen Development Partnership are Implementing Partners with Donegal County Council (Financial Partners) and Donegal LCDC (LAG).

The Leader program provides financial assistance to projects aimed at improving economic, social, and environmental conditions in rural areas.

Key areas of focus include:

  • enterprise development,
  • social inclusion,
  • enhancement of rural infrastructure and services.

Funding is available to community groups, businesses, and individuals for innovative and sustainable projects. The goal is to foster vibrant, sustainable rural communities with improved quality of life.

If you would like to discuss your idea further or wish to submit an Expression of Interest, please contact a member of our Rural Development Programme Team: on 074-9373083

Leader themes:

  • The Green Economy
  • Agricultural Diversification
  • Rural Tourism and Recreation
  •  Enterprise Development
  • Rural Food Production
  •  Social, Community & Co-operative Enterprises
  • Rural Infrastructure
  • Accessible Services
  • Optimising Digital Connectivity
  • Rural Youth
  • Sustainable Development of Rural Environment
  • Climate Change – Capacity Building
  •  Climate Change – Mitigation and adaptation

Key things to consider when applying to LEADER whether you are a community group, social enterprise or private promoter is the Local Development Strategy (LDS)

All projects funded under LEADER must be in line with the programme Operating Rules, Themes and Sub-Themes, and the LDS.

The LDS was devised in consultation with local communities and stakeholders throughout Inishowen and sets out a number of priority objectives and strategic actions for the delivery of the LEADER Programme in Inishowen.

Further information:








Keys things to consider:



Has your group/organisation/enterprise received public funding in the past 3 years? This may deem you ineligible for LEADER funding. Under State Aid Rules, you cannot receive grant aid of more than €300,000 in a three year period if your project involves economic activity.


Take a look at your local community. Are there other similar projects in existence? Would your project take away from these projects/services or result in the closure or loss of business for another enterprise? Remember your product/service does not need to be identical to activities already in existence to result in displacement.

Do you really need the funding? If you have the finance to fund the project yourself then you will not be eligible to apply for LEADER funding. Innovation Projects should demonstrate new innovative ideas which show a degree of new thinking and originality to the community

Can you source funding from a private or public source which is not an EU funding source e.g. County Council funding? Please note only community bodies can use match funding from a public source. 5% Rule – You must contribute at least 5% cash to the overall cost of the project.

As grant aid is paid retrospectively, you will need to organise bridging finance for the project. This could be from a financial institution such as a Credit Union or Bank. Community bodies may apply to Clann Credo, Community Finance Ireland or Western Development Commission for bridging loans.

As LEADER is public funding, applicants to the LEADER programme will need to obtain quotes for the project costs in line with Public Procurement rules. Depending on the scale of your project, you may need to advertise the contract on the e-tenders website. A summary of the public procurement thresholds is available upon request.

Generally, planning permission is required for any development of land or property. Documentary evidence confirming that planning permission has been granted by Inishowen County Council must be provided at Application Stage. If the development is exempt from planning permission, evidence of same must also be provided from Inishowen County Council.

If you are applying for funding for the development of land or property, you must provide proof of ownership. In the case of owned land/buildings – a recently certified copy (by solicitor) of the Folio/Stamped Deed of Conveyance and map, showing you as owner or a letter and map from your solicitor certifying ownership. In the case of Leasehold, certified signed documentation outlining lease details (at least 6 years) and appropriately witnessed must be provided.

Project grant aid

The table below sets out the maximum LEADER grant aid that may be awarded for various project types:


**A funding ceiling of €150,000 is being applied to all projects  (excluding Analysis and Development which is max €30,000)  in the Inishowen region.

For guidance on applying for LEADER download the PDF:
