Inishowen Development Partnership (IDP) is one of 49 Local Development Companies across Ireland with the focus on the people, place, and progress of Inishowen. IDP works with individuals and communities and aims to promote social inclusion and improve the quality of life of people living across the Inishowen Peninsula. Since 2021 IDP has been the community host for the delivery of the Sláintecare Programmes for Inishowen.

The HSE, in partnership with the Department of Health and ourselves, have been developing an area-based approach to community health and wellbeing improvement, with a particular focus on areas of deprivation. The area-based approach will see the implementation of an enhanced Health and Wellbeing programmes within areas that have the greatest levels of disadvantage and highest proportion of young families to deliver evidence informed services to improve local population health and wellbeing outcomes.

We have successfully delivered on several programmes including Healthy Food Made Easy and We Can Quit and offer a range of support services through our Social Prescribing Link Worker and Community Food and Nutrition Officer. In 2023 IDP started to host the Sláintecare funded parenting support that is currently limited to parents of children ranging from birth to 12 years of age. We will also be exploring other needs for parent support with our partners.