Social Prescribing is offered by Inishowen Development Partnership under Sláintecare Healthy Communities and supports people to engage with community activities and resources to enhance their general health and well-being. This service is available to anyone over the age of 18 living in Inishowen/ Donegal. Individuals can refer themselves or referral can be made by a healthcare professional. You will receive one-to-one support and a listening ear as well as the chance to get involved in a local group or activity.

Examples of Activities available include Singing and Activity groups, walking groups, men’s sheds, crafting groups, art classes, coffee mornings, personal development courses, job clubs and exercise classes. To find out more contact our Social Prescribing Link Worker Carmel Gallagher email: or tel; 0860406950. It is all about being embedded within a community and benefitting from a range of supports to meet the need to connect and reconnect.