Complimenting the work we do with TUSLA Prevention Partnership and Family Support the aim of the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme Parenting Support programmes is to enable delivery on a universal basis of a defined set of general parenting programmes in the Inishowen Community Health Network area. This will increase access for all families to evidence-based parenting programmes.

These interventions, while provided universally to families with children 0-12 years, will seek to engage those with greater needs. Greater need may be due variety of circumstances such as living in disadvantaged areas, child- or family-based issues (e.g. child or parent with disability, living in temporary accommodation) or membership of a specific group (e.g. travellers) and will be informed by local knowledge. Parents are asking for support in what is happening now in their families.

A core outcome for the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme is improved health and wellbeing for children. The evidence points to the important role parenting skills play in children’s development. Access to evidence-based parenting programmes may be a valuable addition to healthy childhood programmes and childhood obesity prevention approaches within communities.

Please contact the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Team in IDP by emailing  or call 074 9362218 for more details on how to sign up.

Sláintecare Healthy Communities Team in IDP: (from left) Claire Doherty, Gertrude Houton, Leanne McBrearty, Patricia Lee, Alison Bardini, Niamh Britton and Sheila Keyes