Farm & Fishing Supports

The Inishowen Development Partnerships Smallholders Initiative aims to improve the quality of life and income for farm & fishing through a range of innovative initiatives in co-operation with other key agencies. We will adopt a holistic & targeted approach based on the social inclusion programme, working for the betterment of farm & fishing families in Inishowen

Farm and Fishing Supports

The Development Officer’s aim is to provide tailored services to both farming and fishing families. As a result of changes in the farming and fishing industries many smallholder families are experiencing increased levels of hardship, poverty and social marginalisation. Inishowen Development Partnerships aim is to improve the quality of life for Farm and fishing families, Inishowen Development Partnerships services include.

  • Advice and Guidance – on business sustainability, welfare entitlements, farm-diversification
  • Outreach Farm visits and services – the development officer is always available to provide confidential one-to-one advice to farming and fishing families. (please call 07493 62218)
  • Training – The Development Officer Co-ordinates a range of suitable training programmes annually
  • Information Seminars – which explore changing issues in the farming and fishing communities
  • Support for disadvantaged rural women – various training and information programmes are provided on an ongoing basis.
  • National Representation –The Development Officer is part of a National network which represents and lobby’s for issues of priority to low-income farming and fishing families

For more information…

Contact: Joe Sweeney, Farm Family Support Officer – 07493-62218 or email email: [email protected]