some of our Inishowen Springtime quitters (three missing) with facilitator Sheila Keyes

THE SMOKERS of Inishowen are being urged to take part in a new FREE stop smoking programme which aims to help them give up the nicotine for good.

Beginning on Tuesday 8th October in Carndonagh and Thursday 11th October in Buncrana, We Can Quit is a FREE stop smoking programme, being delivered by Inishowen Development Partnership, and funded by HSE Sláintecare.

We Can Quit is a community and peer led eight week programme available for adults (18yrs+) living in Inishowen, who want to quit smoking. It follows on from a successful programme which ran in Buncrana that saw 10 people complete the programme and give up smoking.

 It follows the standard treatment programme for smoking cessation but takes a more holistic approach in our local community, that will further support individuals on their quit smoking journey and will help sustain long term quitting success. 

We Can Quit will take place in the Pastrol Centre in Carndonagh from 7-9pm on Tuesday 8th October, with the Buncrana programme beginning on Thursday 11th October at the same time of 7pm. Limited places are available on both programmes.

IDP’s Sláintecare Co-ordinator Patricia Lee it is vital for people who are giving up smoking to feel supported and through We Can Quit that is exactly what happens.

“The destination is to ultimately stop smoking, but while on that journey, it is vital that you feel supported and encouraged each step of the way,” says Patricia.

“That support will include family and friends, but it is invaluable to know other people who are also trying to reach their own goal of stop smoking; it really makes all the difference and I believe that it is one of the key factors in why taking part in the We Can Quit group programme is so successful nationally”.  

As well as being offered weekly group sessions and one-to-one support, participants will also be about to access FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).

Léan McBrearty, Community Facilitator with the Inishowen We Can Quit team said this FREE medication can help to relieve cravings, but as well as this they will be provided with support from a team of Inishowen based Facilitators, some of whom are ex-smokers.

Unlike other stop smoking programmes We Can Quit participants do not have to give up smoking immediately – they can decide their quitting date after the third week. 

Community Facilitator Sheila Keyes, a former smoker herself, believes this may help alleviate any initial worries smokers may have about beginning the We Can Quit programme.

“Those who complete the We Can Quit programme are statistically four times more likely to quit smoking for good, so, start your stopping journey and book your place now, even encourage a friend or family member who is a smoker to join you as this  can help in your journey, ” added Shiela.

In addition to the extensive number of health benefits associated with not smoking, there is a large financial incentive to give up smoking, given that the price of a box of cigarettes is now costing on average of €15 per pack. 

“The current cost of living crisis is causing increasing financial burden in our homes but by removing the weekly costs associated with smoking, it could help in terms of saving money,” concluded Shiela.

To book your FREE spot on the programme click here: Slaintecare We Can Quit Expression of Interest Form ( or alternatively, call Claire at Inishowen Development Partnership on Tel: (074) 9362218 or email [email protected] .