Inishowen Development Partnership continues to apply the ‘People, Place, Progress’ strategy to support those fleeing the conflict in Ukraine by empowering ‘local’ response through collaboration with the voluntary and community sector. The Small Grants Programme aims to enable ‘local’ community initiatives provided to assist the increasing numbers of arrivals in Inishowen towards self-advocacy and to ensure a coordinated national humanitarian response to people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.
IDP (as part of its Community Response Support Programme) is now inviting applications for small grants towards initiatives and actions by the community and voluntary sector. This is part of a specific Ukrainian response and sits under the goals of the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP).
Application form and guidance notes
Completed application forms can be emailed to [email protected]
Applications will close 28th October 2022 at 1.00pm. Successful applicants will be informed following board approval. Download the application form and guidance notes here:
Guidance notes for applicants
Please take a few minutes to read these short guidance notes and pay particular attention to Goal 1: Supporting Communities. If you are unsure of the meaning of anything in this document, please contact a member of our Community Development Team (contact details below).
SICAP is underpinned by three horizontal themes:
Target Groups
The applicant groups should note following regarding this programme:
- This is a specific grant in response to the Ukrainian crisis. It is for community and voluntary groups working within their communities to provide supports for Ukrainians who have now been placed locally in Inishowen, to aid in their transition to living and working here, and their integration within our Inishowen communities.
Outcomes of the Project/Numbers who Benefit
It will strengthen an application if there are identified target numbers and tangible results expected, and that the group is clear on who will benefit and how.
Completing the Application Form
All the questions on the application form are important and are asked to ensure that the information we ask from you matches the information that we in turn are required to submit to our funding bodies. It is important to answer all questions as fully as possible giving all relevant information. This helps IDP assess your application.
Assistance to Application Groups
We appreciate that there can be difficulty with the application form, therefore we will be happy to provide clarification and answer any questions that may arise and can also speak with applicant groups experiencing any difficulty in filling out the form. This does not guarantee funding. All applications are reviewed by a panel assessment of applications for funding
The Inishowen Development Partnership will assess applications based on information supplied within the application form. As stated above, questions on the form are designed to gain a good understanding of your submission and relevant details needed to decide the merits of the application. The national SICAP rules apply (see below section). The assessment process is seeking to determine if the project is realistic, can be delivered on time, is budgeted properly, and is in line with SICAP Goal 1. Therefore, it is very important to complete all sections of the form.
Please note that there is a small budget in place for these grants, and significant number of applications is expected, so funding is not guaranteed.
Under IDP’s grants programme, given the local high level of demand, approximately 8-10 successful applicants can usually expect amounts of not more than €500. All decisions about funding applications are made by the Board of the Inishowen Development Partnership.
For further information contact IDP by phone: 074-9362218
Community Development Team members for this application process below:
Name: Email:
Barry McLaughlin barry@inishowen
Alina Edel [email protected]
Olha Kysliuk [email protected]
Olena Dzhos [email protected]
Rachel Grant [email protected]
Team Lead:
Denise McCool [email protected]
National SICAP Guidelines
Activity Types for Local Community Groups (LCG) Grants
Grants can be used to fund the following types of activities:
- The establishment of good governance structures within LCGs;
- The development of a community strategic plan to engage with other funders and stakeholders;
- Small-scale capital items that will improve and enhance the function of the LCG and its work;
- Small-scale capital items that have a higher cost than €650 and where there is evidence that match funding is in place;
- Capacity building work with LCGs;
- Community activities that have a clear link to SICAP target groups and SICAP outcomes. These activities must show how they are part of an overall strategy to improve the quality of life for community members;
- Costs of travel and subsistence for LCG members to enable them to participate in regional and national networking and learning opportunities where there is no other source of core funding available to the LCG members;
- Funding to women’s groups, men’s sheds, homework clubs, youth work initiatives, after- school programmes delivered by LCGs etc. are eligible as long as the funding is allocated to a specific activity that focuses on SICAP target groups and is linked to an action in the SICAP annual plan.
Grants cannot be used to fund the following types of activities:
- Travel and subsistence for employees of other service providers that are a member of boards of management of LCGs or have a role in projects led by LCGs;
- Grants to statutory service providers operating breakfast clubs and homework support programmes;
- Funding for on-going running costs incurred by LCGs for example rent, insurance, electricity, phone costs and office maintenance.